Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Why Dress Code Is A Language?

You say God called you to be a missionary to all the ends of the earth? Congratulations as you embark on your heavenly calling, but keep the dress code language in check.

There are as many evangelists trying to convert souls to the kingdom of God worldwide, all religions inclusive; Christians, Muslims, Buddhists and many more.

A story is told of a young ambitious womanwho ventured into Lancaster, county an Amish community in Pennsylvania to preach the gospel as she understood it. Since she was born and raised in the big apple call it New York, she embarked on her journey clothed as the New Yorkers do.

The Mishap
Her back pack was filled with short hot pants, vests, short dresses, sunglasses, since this was the middle of summer and such clothes are normal in New York

All this was to the disgust of the Pennsylvania folks as she went door to door calling upon them to give their lives to Christand get born again. They cursed, covered their children's eyes and almost physically assaulted her as they pushed her out of their town.

It should be noted that the Amish are very conservative and the women are required to fully cover their bodies with no jewellery at all which the young woman did not know.

Then these people love to be completely left alone and given their privacy, to an extent that most moved away from Lancaster due to the influx of tourists. This young evangelist pried into their privacy with what is an unacceptable dress code.

What could have been done?
One needs to be open minded when it comes to different cultures and territories. This young woman's trouble wouldn't have happened if she had only taken time to study about the culture and way of life of people from the very conservative state of Pennsylvania.

She also should have considered German translation services from a reputable translations agency. This is because most folks in Pennsylvania speak German. Thus they would have understood her message clearer.
She should also have gone with male counterparts to preach on her behalf since the Amish do not go well with females giving instructions since the Bible states that while in public places, women should not air their views and should have their heads covered.

May be German male interpreters would have spoken and understood better by the audience. ignoring this matter only resulted her offending Amish and their  culture

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